The retail industry is evolving quickly, and B2B marketers feel pressure. As B2C marketing raises the bar for customer experience, B2B marketers are expected to deliver the same high standards – with less budget and resources. 

Buyers now expect personalised, seamless interactions, and businesses are looking for partners who can keep up with these demands. To stay competitive, B2B marketers in retail need to embrace key trends like sustainability, personalisation, and AI. The redk team can help you implement digital marketing automation tools in your business. We have a dedicated team of consultants for each of our partners, including, Zendesk, Salesforce and more. Reach out to us here.

Let’s dive into the top trends shaping B2B marketing in retail today.


Sustainability isn’t just a trend anymore—it’s essential. Retailers are no longer interested in partners who simply tick the ‘green’ box. They want to work with businesses that are genuinely committed to reducing their environmental impact.

Greenwashing, where companies falsely claim to be eco-friendly, has made retailers more cautious. They’re looking for real, tangible actions, whether that’s using sustainable materials, cutting down on waste, or lowering emissions. Businesses that can back up their claims with measurable progress will stand out.


B2B buyers expect the same personalised experience they get when shopping as consumers. They don’t want to feel like just another client. They want marketing that speaks directly to them.

Thanks to data analytics, that’s now possible. Hyper-personalisation lets you tailor every interaction based on a client’s behaviours and preferences. It’s no longer enough to group clients into segments. Marketers need to get specific, offering personalised emails, product recommendations, and solutions that make each client feel understood. 

Why does this matter in B2B? Personalisation in B2B saves time, cuts through irrelevant content, and makes decision-making easier for buyers. It also helps build stronger relationships, as clients feel their unique needs are being met, leading to more relevant, targeted conversations.

Artificial Intelligence

AI is shaking things up in B2B marketing. It’s helping marketers automate tasks, analyse data, and deliver smarter campaigns. With machine learning, B2B marketers can predict clients’ needs, optimise content, and find the best leads. The result is faster decisions, more accurate targeting, and stronger results. AI allows you to spend less time on repetitive tasks and more time on strategy.

However, implementing AI isn’t without its challenges. Quality data is crucial, and there’s always a risk of over-relying on automation at the expense of personal interactions. Still, for those who invest wisely in AI, it allows more time to focus on high-level strategy while letting the technology handle routine tasks.

Excellent Customer Experiences

B2B buyers expect more than just a product. They want an experience, and that experience needs to be seamless, simple, and satisfying.

The lines between B2B and B2C are blurring, and B2B buyers now want the same level of service they’d expect as consumers. But delivering this experience can be tricky, especially with tighter budgets and fewer resources. B2B marketers need to optimise every touchpoint, from online chats to in-person meetings. The goal is to smooth the buying process and build strong relationships through great service.

An excellent customer experience is about making it easy for buyers to do business with you, whether it’s through fast response times, simplified ordering, or personalised follow-ups. By creating a hassle-free journey, B2B marketers can set themselves apart and build lasting partnerships.

Omnichannel Approach

Today’s buyers interact with brands across multiple platforms, both online and offline. They want a consistent experience, no matter where they engage.

A strong omnichannel strategy connects all these touchpoints, creating a seamless journey. Whether buyers are browsing your website, chatting on the phone, or meeting in person, your messaging and service should feel consistent and connected. 

For B2B marketers, an omnichannel approach also means using the right mix of channels to nurture relationships, build trust, and drive sales. This strategy helps meet buyers where they are, giving them the information they need at the right time and keeping your brand front and centre during their buying journey.

When it comes to B2B marketing in retail, you need to stay flexible and adapt to these trends. Retailers are looking for partners who understand their needs and can help them meet the expectations of today’s savvy buyers.