Arena Green Power, founded as part of the ATA Renewables group, is dedicated to the management of large-scale photovoltaic and wind projects for large developers and investors. With steady growth and successful asset sales, Arena has established itself as an independent power producer. As the company expanded its presence nationwide with offices in Seville, Madrid, Zaragoza, Galicia, Navarra, and La Rioja, efficient project management became a crucial priority.

The need for an integrated solution

Arena Green Power used to manage its projects using spreadsheets and local tools, which was sufficient when the operation was centred in a single office. However, as the project portfolio expanded and grew, this methodology became inefficient and error-prone.

To address this need as the business grew, Arena’s Project Management department decided to implement, specifically the Monday Work Management product, supported by redk’s expert consultancy, which marked a turning point in the company’s project management. The most notable change was the complete elimination of risks when handling project information. With, each project manager is the only one who can modify the relevant information, while the rest of the company has access to up-to-date data in real-time.

Increased productivity and reduced errors

The impact on productivity was immediate and significant. Arena Green Power went from managing 200 projects to almost 800 by 2024, with a huge volume of work that is now handled smoothly and securely thanks to the platform. The implementation of the platform not only improved project management, but also reduced the risk of errors and loss of information.

“Our growth has been exponential. We went from 200 projects to almost 800, and this would not have been possible without a robust digital solution like, which allows us to handle such a large volume of work without losing accuracy and efficiency”. Manuel Dabrio, Senior Project Manager at Arena Green Power.

Feedback from both the team and management has been highly positive. The information is used efficiently for internal decision-making and for meetings with external parties, showing clearly and accurately the company’s growth and KPIs.

A future of optimised management

The collaboration with redk and the implementation of Monday Work Management have been crucial to Arena Green Power’s success. The company has significantly improved its project management, increased productivity and minimised risk, all while maintaining secure and up-to-date information. For any company facing similar challenges, Arena Green Power’s experience is a clear testament to the value of a robust project management platform and an expert consulting team.

“The platform has not only allowed us to manage projects more efficiently, but it has also improved our internal and external communication. The managers are satisfied because they know that the team is working in a secure and reliable environment”. Manuel Dabrio, Senior Project Manager at Arena Green Power.